Draft Vision for 2050 Long-Range Plan Update

by Jaclyn Davis, Manager, Office of Long Range Planning

October 1, 2024

The Draft Vision, along with all Plan documentation and investments, will have a 30+ day public comment period in the spring/summer of 2025.

After a year of planning and engagement, an updated Draft Vision for the update to Connections 2050 is available. The Draft Vision is:

An equitable, resilient, and sustainable Greater Philadelphia region that provides:

  • A safe, modern, multimodal transportation network for all.
  • A reliable and affordable clean energy future built to mitigate and withstand the effects of climate change.
  • A preserved and restored natural environment and healthy ecological systems.
  • Inclusive, healthy, and walkable communities.
  • An innovative and connected economy with prosperity for all residents and businesses.

The Long-Range Plan is built on guiding PRINCIPLES of equity, sustainability, and resiliency, which inform and direct the five plan elements and their associated goals and strategies. 

The principles are applied to five PLAN ELEMENTS, or focus areas: transportation, energy and climate, environment, communities, and economy.

Each focus area has three high-level GOALS that help to achieve the Vision (click through the slides on the Long-Range Plan webpage to see these).

Thank you for your participation!

In the fall of 2023, DVRPC staff conducted in-person and online outreach activities to give people who live, work, and play throughout the Greater Philadelphia region an opportunity to share their vision for the region’s future. Participants had the opportunity to say what they would add, remove, or change about the existing Connections 2050 Vision, and provide their thoughts on a new Energy & Climate plan element. DVRPC collected in-person surveys from attendees at 15 different community and professional events throughout the region, and promoted online versions of the survey--all of which were available in short and long form, English, Spanish, and Chinese. Planning partners and stakeholders from organizations throughout the region were also integral to boosting participation by sharing the survey through their own networks.

In total, DVRPC received surveys from over 1,300 unique respondents and thousands of responses to the various open-ended and multiple-choice questions posed. Participants had the opportunity to enter to win one of twenty $50 gift cards, and all have now been shared with the winners.

Stay involved

The Public visioning phase is complete, but there will be more opportunities to stay up to date on the planning process and provide feedback. 

Next, DVRPC is working to identify strategies for achieving each goal, as well as the stakeholders needed to implement them. We are also beginning to evaluate and model candidate Major Regional Projects submitted by counties, transit agencies, and state departments of transportation for inclusion in the Plan.

In the spring/summer of 2025, there will be a 30-day public comment period for all Plan documentation and investments.

Visit www.dvrpc.org/plan/ and sign up for emails to stay in the loop on future engagement opportunities and Plan updates.

Long-Range Plan


DVRPC Webpages

Long-Range Plan

Air Quality Partnership
Annual Report
Connections 2050
Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA)
Economic Development District