Transportation and Community Development Initiative (TCDI)

The Transportation and Community Development Initiative (TCDI) is a grant opportunity that supports smart growth initiatives that implement the Connections 2050 Plan for Greater Philadelphia. TCDI focuses on linking land use and transportation planning by:

Improving the overall character and quality of life;
Enhancing the existing transportation infrastructure capacity;
Promoting and encouraging the use of transit, bike, and pedestrian transportation modes;
Building capacity in our older suburbs and neighborhoods;
Reinforcing and implementing improvements in designated Centers; and
Protecting our environment.

FY 2024 New Jersey Round

The FY24 NJ TCDI grant round was held from February 16 through April 28, 2023, and the application portal is now closed.

The next round of TCDI funding will be offered in February 2024 for eligible entities in the Pennsylvania region only.

TCDI Management

Consultant Prequalification Requirement

Starting July 1, 2022, DVRPC will require that all consultants meet a set of qualifications in order to perform work funded through the TCDI grant program on behalf of project sponsors.

Qualifications must be submitted through the DVRPC Consultant Qualifications System, and will be reviewed on a rolling basis going forward. A list of consultants prequalified by DVRPC can be found here.


The preparation of TCDI deliverables (reports, map, document, etc.) were financed in part through funds made available by the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission from a grant by the funding agency (PennDOT and/or NJDOT). The contents do not necessarily reflect the views or a policy of the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission, the funding agency or the Federal Government and neither assumes liability for its contents or use.

Air Quality Partnership
Annual Report
Connections 2050
Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA)
Economic Development District