Transit-oriented development (TOD) is compact, mixed use development within an easy walk of a transit station. Its pedestrian-oriented design encourages residents and workers to drive their cars less and ride mass transit more. These "transit villages" are usually moderate to high density, matching the existing scale of development, and can be new construction or redevelopment. Mixed uses include residential, commercial, and office, or some combination.
Devon Station Multimodal Access Study
This study details planning concepts designed to improve the environment for walking and biking near the Devon Station of the SEPTA Paoli/Thorndale Regional Rail Line in Easttown Township.
SEPTA TOD Policy Research
Read more about strategies and steps that SEPTA can employ to enhance its support for TOD, including as an advocate, stakeholder, and partner.
Local Trip Generation Adjustments for TOD
This study analyzes vehicle trip and parking generation rates at 13 mid-level apartment buildings throughout the Philadelphia urban area, to assess vehicle trip reduction benefits of TOD rail sites vs non-rail sites. The data show a clear vehicle trip reduction benefit to suburban TOD development during the AM peak hour. To gain a more complete understanding of travel behavior, the next household travel survey conducted by DVRPC will collect more detailed information to further study TOD trip generation.
Progress on TOD

The sheer number of transit stations in our region can make planning for TOD a daunting task. DVRPC has developed a rating system that evaluates a number of physical, demographic, and economic characteristics in order to help identify TOD opportunities throughout the region. These ratings are designed to provide public officials, planners, transit operators, developers, and citizens with resources that can help public and private investment at rail stations.

Stay up to date on development activity near transit by using DVRPC's new Smart Growth Project Database. This online database tracks proposed, in progress, and completed development projects near the region's rail stations. New information on existing projects and new developments will be added to the database as it becomes available.
DVRPC's 2007 Study, On Track: Progress Towards Transit-Oriented Development in the Delaware Valley, is an evaluation of progress towards TOD at individual rail (and some bus) stations within the nine-county region. Progress can include a completed or in-progress TOD plan, a grant to study or implement TOD, development interest in the station area, and/or a proposed or completed TOD.
In 2003, DVRPC summarized the top transit-oriented development opportunities at 45 transit stations in the region.
- Linking Transit, Communities and Development: Regional Inventory of Transit-Oriented Development Sites, Volume One: Executive Summary
- Linking Transit, Communities and Development: Regional Inventory of Transit-Oriented Development Sites, Volume Two: Station Area Profiles
Municipalities with TOD Zoning Ordinances
See which municipalities in the region have zoning that supports TOD.

Learn more about specific station area plans.
- Station Area Planning for the Norristown High Speed Line Extension to King of Prussia
- Darby Transportation Center - Access & Development Opportunities Study
- Pennsauken Transit Center: Impacts and Opportunities
- Camden County Transit Expansion Framework Study
- Paoli Station Intermodal Access and Parking Study
- Transit Village Design in Burlington County - Southern New Jersey Light Rail Transit System
- Implementing Transit-Oriented Development: Four TOD Plans for Girard, Lansdale, Thorndale and Woodbury
- Developing Around Transit: Transit- Oriented Development Plans for Ellsworth/Federal, North Wales, Warminster
- Transitioning to TOD: A Transit-Oriented Development Plan for SEPTA’s Wawa Station on the R3 Regional Rail Line
Funding for TOD
Demographics of Transit Zones
- Demographics of Transit Zones (1/2-Mile Radius Around Rail Transit Stops) - Analytical Data Report 017
Transit Revitalization Investment District
Creating a Transit Revitalization Investment District is one way that Pennsylvania municipalities can plan and implement TOD. A form of value capture, it enables municipalities and the transit agency to share in the incremental increase in new tax revenues in a defined district. These revenues are used to finance capital projects and maintenance in the TRID.
TCDI-Funded TOD Plans
The following transit-oriented development plans were funded by the Transportation and Community Development Initiative (TCDI) program.
- Abington Township Walk Park Train Abington Plan (7 SEPTA regional rail stations) [pdf]
- Ardmore Transit Center Project
- Bryn Mawr Master Plan
- Burlington City
- Camden County Walter Rand Transportation Center (City of Camden) Economic Development and Architectural Design Services Report [pdf]
- Cheltenham Avenue: A Plan for Bridging the Communities (Cheltenham Township and Northwest Philadelphia) [pdf]
- Cherry Hill Woodcrest Station Transit-Oriented Development Plan [pdf]
- Conshohocken Train Station Vision Plan [2 MB pdf]
- Doylestown - Community Pedestrian-Transit Linkage Plan [1.4 MB pdf]
- Glenside Station Plan [3.3 MB pdf]
- Gloucester County Transit Expansion Framework Study [31.2 MB pdf]
- Lansdale - Lansdale Downtown Destination Plan [3.8 MB pdf]
- Marcus Hook TOD Plan [15.9 MB pdf]
- North Wales TOD / Redevelopment Plan for Wawa Triangle [4.0 MB pdf]
- Penndel Borough
- City of Philadelphia
- Broad & Erie Transportation & Community Development Plan for Erie Station on Broad Street Line [pdf]
- Frankford Avenue Corridor TOD Plan
- Germantown and Nicetown Transit-Oriented Plan [pdf]
- North Delaware Riverfront Rail Stations Urban Design Study [pdf]
- West Market TOD Plan [9.9 MB pdf]
- North Philadelphia Station Area Real Estate Market Assessment 2020-2040 [pdf]
- City of Trenton - Cass Street Light Rail District Plan [0.7 MB pdf]
- Upper Darby Borough - Aronimink Station Plan [4.8 MB pdf]
- Woodbury - Woodbury Transit Hub Feasibility [Analysis] and TOD Land Use Study [1.2 MB pdf]
Other TOD Plans in Region (not prepared or funded by DVRPC)
- Amtrak's Keystone Corridor - Plan the Keystone (Coatesville, Downingtown, Exton, Paoli, Ardmore, Philadelphia)
- PATCO Transit-Oriented Development Master Plans Study [pdf]
- City of Philadelphia - 22nd Street Transit-Oriented Development Plan by Allegheny West Foundation for Allegheny Avenue regional rail station
- City of Philadelphia - Walnut Hill Transit Oriented Development by PCPC for 46th and Market Station Area [pdf]
Local Resources
- New Jersey Transit's Transit Friendly Planning Program (guidebook, community checklist, local plans)
- New Jersey Land Use and Transit Data Application (allows users to map, report, and download development, planning, travel, transit ridership, economic, spatial, and demographic data)
- New Jersey's Transit Friendly Planning Newsletter
- SEPTA's Transit Supportive Community Development Program
- Montgomery County (PA)'s TOD Model Ordinance